Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why do we make New Year resolutions?

To grow, to make progress and to move forward in life; change is required and this change itself sometimes requires some kind of stimuli, a turning point, a change of weather, a fresh start.. and this is exactly what every New Year offers us a chance to start afresh and live our lives exactly the way we dream't and hence we resolve to do things differently. Whether we pass or fail in our endeavors I think it's important to make a start because sometimes change can only happen slowly.

2011 was the year of lessons and 2012 shall be the year of Grand Plans.

The two most important things I learnt which shall be the guiding principles for my 2012 resolutions are:
  • Only if you love life truly, will life truly love you back. If you are scared and hold back; life will hold back from you too.
  • There is only one question to ask,"What would you do if you were not afraid?" Asking this to myself always helps me take some of the more difficult decisions in my personal and professional life.
Now moving onto the fun part of actually making my resolutions, first I'll mention some of the basic principles on which my resolutions are based.

  • I want to improve my health. Exercise more, eat healthier and cut back on the toxins.
  • Educate myself further. I already have a college degree but I don't want to just study for a degree. There is so much to know out there and I want to dedicate some amount of time increasing my knowledge.
  • To say "yes" to all the stuff close to my heart including causes ( my favorite animal shelter) and hobbies (painting, cooking).
  • To nurture all my relationships far and close with trust, honesty, respect and love. To keep making deposits in the emotional wealth banks of my relations. A phone call, email, chat, facebook, a lunch date, a drink with the boys... the options are endless. And of course most importantly to love myself and spend time doing things I love, to enrich my mind, body and soul.
  • And last but not the least to live life queen size. Travel, be spontaneous, do random crazy things, laugh till my stomach hurts, to talk without thinking, to explore, have fun and soak it all in.

My actual resolutions should come in a more fun format and I have to think carefully as I am one year away from hitting quarter life crisis and maybe the world will end so 2012 will have to be lived properly and thoroughly.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

While blogging has only reached prominence in the last few years, it was actually invented by the ancient Romans who built a majestic blog in 200 BC from marble, granite and links they stole from the Greeks.

"Blog" itself is short for "weblog," which is short for "we blog because we weren't very popular in high school and we're trying to gain respect and admiration without actually having to be around people."

Creating your own blog is about as easy as creating your own urine, and you're about as likely to find someone else interested in it. One popular technique for building readership is to send e-mail to more well-trafficked blogs offering to exchange links with them. One popular response from those blogs is to laugh derisively and hit the Delete button.

Another approach for advertising your blog is to mention it as much as possible in conversation; you'd be surprised how many people are fascinated to hear you have a blog and want to know more, especially if you were expecting the number to be greater than zero.

However, there are many popular blogs already in existence, and if you want people to think you're cool, you're probably better off claiming you were a "guest blogger" for one of them. Your average blog has so many guest bloggers and such a crappy search feature that nobody will ever be able to prove you wrong.

As a handy guide for crafting your horrible lies, here's a list of some of the already popular blogs out there। (I'm omitting the blogs at Wired, because, hey, I have to work with these people.) Along with each blog's name, I've provided what would be the ultimate perfect blog entry for that particular blog. I'm tired of the word "blog" now.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

47 Things I Like About Myself

1. I can express myself well through writing.

2. I’m tech savvy.

3. I have a wicked sense of humor.

4. It is utterly impossible for me to be fake.

5. I walk to the beat of a different drummer.

6. That beat is most likely coming from an indie rock band.

7. I’m opened minded.

8. So I have no problem questioning my own beliefs, thereby making them stronger.

9. I love the 90’s. Music. Colors. Jazz hands. But not shoulder pads.

10. I care about the Earth, and preserving it the best we can.

11. I do not ever give up when it comes to recovering my kids from autism.

12. I am passionate.

13. This passion sometimes ruffles feathers.

14. I am creative.

15. I love to paint on canvas.

16. I love to take pictures.

17. I am a really good friend.

18. I can make people laugh pretty easily.

19. I am dorky.

20. I am curvy.

21. I don’t like gossip.

22. Especially among duel face people.

23. I have weird hair.

24. I think it’s fun to have weird hair.

25. I have good friends.

26. I am a hard worker.

27. When I want to be.

28. I don’t mind admitting my faults.

29. I love easily.

30. I am forgiving.

31. I have a good sense of style.

32. I hate fake.

33. And false.

34. I have a patience.

35. I am a pure indian.

36. I fly my indian flag proudly.

37. I love wine and cheese.

38. I have atractive eyes.

39. I am compassionate.

40. I love to give advice.

41. I have rythm.

42. And some moves.

43. I know when to keep those moves to myself.

44. I have a gorgeous wife.

45. I have a strong faith in God.

46. I know she is all I need.

47. I know me.