Tuesday, January 11, 2011

47 Things I Like About Myself

1. I can express myself well through writing.

2. I’m tech savvy.

3. I have a wicked sense of humor.

4. It is utterly impossible for me to be fake.

5. I walk to the beat of a different drummer.

6. That beat is most likely coming from an indie rock band.

7. I’m opened minded.

8. So I have no problem questioning my own beliefs, thereby making them stronger.

9. I love the 90’s. Music. Colors. Jazz hands. But not shoulder pads.

10. I care about the Earth, and preserving it the best we can.

11. I do not ever give up when it comes to recovering my kids from autism.

12. I am passionate.

13. This passion sometimes ruffles feathers.

14. I am creative.

15. I love to paint on canvas.

16. I love to take pictures.

17. I am a really good friend.

18. I can make people laugh pretty easily.

19. I am dorky.

20. I am curvy.

21. I don’t like gossip.

22. Especially among duel face people.

23. I have weird hair.

24. I think it’s fun to have weird hair.

25. I have good friends.

26. I am a hard worker.

27. When I want to be.

28. I don’t mind admitting my faults.

29. I love easily.

30. I am forgiving.

31. I have a good sense of style.

32. I hate fake.

33. And false.

34. I have a patience.

35. I am a pure indian.

36. I fly my indian flag proudly.

37. I love wine and cheese.

38. I have atractive eyes.

39. I am compassionate.

40. I love to give advice.

41. I have rythm.

42. And some moves.

43. I know when to keep those moves to myself.

44. I have a gorgeous wife.

45. I have a strong faith in God.

46. I know she is all I need.

47. I know me.